Friday, February 17, 2006

I am 50% Scottish. Here I am in front of the Scottish flag in my room in England.

William Wallace, my Dad and I in Edinburgh Scotland.

Me at South Shields Beach England at the big gun.

My cousins in New Jersey, Megan, Ryan, and JT.

My California cousins, Ryan, Christina, and Mitch.

Bocci in California at my Nana's house with our family

This is a picture of my brother Jason, his girlfriend Lilly and I after we went scuba diving in the Florida Keys.

This is a picture of my Mom, Dad and my brother Josh in the caverns by his house.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Here I am in the park in MD by my brothers house with my Dad, Sean, Shannon, and my nieces Alyssa & Emma.

My brother Sean grabs me and puts me in a headlock.

Jesus is the captain of Mercy Ships.

My family on a mission wih Mercy Ships

Kneeboarding in Texas, big air!

I learned to kneeboard when I was three in the Florida Keys!

Then you learn how to slalom ski.

Here I am skiing behind our boat in Hideaway Texas.

Third step long line

This is the next step short line.

Learning to ski at my Grandma's cabin at Fish Creek Ponds in Upstate NY.

First step on the boom

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Golfing in the park in England. Got a little ruff. I play golf for my PE class with my Mom.