Wednesday, July 05, 2006

God is my Captain!
I like living on the ship.
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Me wearing my African shirt. Posted by Picasa

One of my favorite things.
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We went looking for waterfalls. Posted by Picasa

The children followed us. Posted by Picasa

I went swimming in Africa. Posted by Picasa

We found a nice waterfall. Posted by Picasa

I went in the waterfall! It was cool! Posted by Picasa

I went on a field trip in Africa to learn about bees.
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I got to put on a bee suit on our field trip. Posted by Picasa

Me holding a snail on our field trip. Posted by Picasa

They play alot of football/soccer here. Posted by Picasa

I miss my brothers. I wish I could have played with them.
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Me saying good bye to a good new friend. Posted by Picasa

The ocean looks nice from far away, but the beach is very dirty. Garbage all over. Posted by Picasa

They have nice big lizards here.
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My Mom and I sailing from Liberia to Ghana Africa. Posted by Picasa

Me with the NewTown kids of Tema, Ghana. Posted by Picasa